01980 636008   shrewtonpreschool06@gmail.com
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In our setting we follow The Development Matters for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

The Characteristics of effective learning, which guide us, are based on three areas:

Shrewton, Wiltshire Pre-school Ted
Playing and exploring -Engagement

Finding out and exploring, playing with what they know and being willing to ‘have a go’.

Shrewton, Wiltshire Pre-school Ted
Active Learning - Motivation

Being involved and concentrating, keep trying and enjoying achieving what they set out to do.

Shrewton, Wiltshire Pre-school Ted
Creating and thinking critically - Thinking

Having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things.

Each child chooses a ‘Key person’ who will observe and keep records of their progress, planning activities to expand their learning. These records are kept in a book called a ‘Learning Journey’; there will be photographs, examples of activities and WOW moments that make up the child’s learning experiences.

These experiences take place in the setting and at home with you. We like to work alongside parents, as you are your child’s main educator. We aim for each child to be treated as an individual, who learns at its own pace through play.

The areas of learning around which we plan our activities are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Where each child can:

Learn to play and share with others beyond the family.
Learn aspects of personal, social and moral development.
Learn to value and respect themselves and others.

Communication and Language

Where each child can:

Learn to look at and handle books correctly.
Learn that words carry meaning.
Can have time & opportunities for developing communication.
Learn to extend their vocabulary, so they can express their thoughts & emotions.
Begin to learn & recognise letters & sounds.


Where each child can:

Enjoy rhymes, songs and poems. Show an interest in books and how stories are structured.

Mathematic Development

Where each child can:

Learn & Use mathematical language, such as big, or small, during play & daily routines.
Recognise, recreate and make patterns whilst playing or mark making.
Compare objects by matching & sorting by shape, colour & size. Develop mathematical understanding through early experiences, including songs, games & imaginative play Recite numbers in order.

Understanding the World

Where each child can:

Learn to respect & value all people & all cultures.
Explore their environment & show curiosity & interest in a range of activities both indoors & out.
Use a wide range of equipment including ICT resources like cameras, tape recorders, computers & programmable toys.
Show curiosity, ask questions, talk to others & describe their experiences about what they see, hear or feel.

Physical Development

Where each child can:

Use resources that are sufficiently challenging & interesting and that can be used for a variety of ways, or to support specific skills. Increase their confidence to take manageable risks in play.
Begin to understand about personal hygiene, healthy eating and the benefits of exercise.

Expressive Arts and Design

Where each child can:

Begin to explore colour, texture and shape in 2D and 3D, using a wide range of different tools and resources.
Respond to what they see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
Express their imagination through art, role-play, music and stories.

Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ is set out by Department for Education.